Buf Schema Registry (BSR)

Update Protobuf files and modules

As requirements change, you'll inevitably need to evolve your Protobuf APIs, and potentially update your dependencies. As much as buf's breaking change detection gives you confidence that you'll be evolving your module in a backwards compatible way, there can still be situations in which you want to validate a change locally before pushing a new version to the BSR.

This guide assumes that you've familiarized yourself with these topics:

1. Edit and push

The typical buf workflow involves editing your .proto files, and verifying the changes continue to conform to the configured lint rules.

Once you've made your edits, you can manually verify your changes with the buf CLI, or by configuring your editor to automatically report errors on save.

On the command line, that should look like this:

$ buf lint
$ buf generate

Once you're satisfied with the changes, save the change in your VCS (such as a Git repository) like you would with regular code. If the module is published to the BSR, you can push a new version using this command:

$ buf push --tag "$(git rev-parse HEAD)"

The --tag flag isn't required, but we recommend tagging BSR commits with version control references as a way to track corresponding revisions.

All of these steps (and more) ought to be configured in CI/CD. If you're a GitHub Actions user, make sure to check out the GitHub Actions guide to learn more.

2. Update dependencies

If your module has any dependencies, you can update your dependencies to their latest versions with the buf mod update command. This command resolves the latest commit on the repository and updates the contents of your module's buf.lock.

For example, if a buf.yaml is in the current directory, you can update your dependencies with this command:

$ buf mod update

When your dependencies conform to buf's default lint and breaking rules, updating is straightforward. Despite buf's best efforts, however, dependencies sometimes undergo changes that can break compatibility, so you might encounter errors when you try to buf push a new version of your module to the BSR.

We encourage you to validate compatibility with buf build after any call to buf mod update:

Update dependencies
$ buf mod update
Verify that nothing has broken
$ buf build

3. Edit multiple modules

As you develop buf modules, you might find yourself in a situation where you own multiple modules that depend on each other. When you want to make a change to one of your modules, you normally need to push the update up to the BSR so that the other module can update its dependency and use it locally. This workflow imposes a frustrating feedback loop and invites more opportunities for mistakes in each pushed module commit.

The buf module workspace was created to solve exactly this problem (and more).

For example, if you have two modules checked out in sibling directories:

├── paymentapis
│   ├── acme
│   │   └── payment
│   │       └── v2
│   │           └── payment.proto
│   ├── buf.lock
│   └── buf.yaml
└── petapis
    ├── acme
    │   └── pet
    │       └── v1
    │           └── pet.proto
    ├── buf.lock
    └── buf.yaml
version: v1
name: buf.build/acme/petapis
  - buf.build/acme/paymentapis
version: v1
name: buf.build/acme/paymentapis

You can add a buf.work.yaml file in the parent directory. Here's an example directory structure:

├── buf.work.yaml
├── paymentapis
│   ├── acme
│   │   └── payment
│   │       └── v2
│   │           └── payment.proto
│   ├── buf.lock
│   └── buf.yaml
└── petapis
    ├── acme
    │   └── pet
    │       └── v1
    │           └── pet.proto
    ├── buf.lock
    └── buf.yaml
version: v1
  - paymentapis
  - petapis

Now when running buf build petapis the existence of the buf.work.yaml file causes buf to resolve the imports of buf.build/acme/paymentapis with the module defined in the paymentapis directory, rather than by using the version fetched from the BSR according to the buf.lock specified in the petapis directory.

Thus, you can make edits across both modules and immediately see the changes reflected between each module. It's important to note that workspaces only apply to local operations. When you are ready to push updates you've made in a local workspace, you'll need to push each module independently, starting with the upstream modules first (buf.build/acme/paymentapis in this case). Once the upstream module's changes are published, you can run the buf mod update command in the downstream module to fetch the latest version, and continue to push each of your modules until all of your local changes are published to the BSR.

For more on workspaces, see the workspace documentation.

buf provides a variety of powerful tools that help you develop your APIs and iterate on one or more modules at a time. Make sure to check out more of the how-to guides to learn more!